[lbo-talk] Alberto Torquemada

Joseph Wanzala jwanzala at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 12 17:06:58 PST 2004

[Gonzales is] "a pretty solid guy."

-Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware

Hi Everyone,

When the psychopath John Ashcroft was appointed four years ago, John Kerry and the other neoliberals in the Senate confirmed his nomination without a single question. Now they are planning to approve of Alberto Gonzales, a man who not only thinks the United States is above the provisions of the Geneva Conventions but helped devise the plans in the Bush government that provided for the torture of prisoners at Abu Graib prison.

These wonderful "liberal" Democrats are not just going to confirm him, when they could have filibustered, but they are even praising this monster like John Kerry praised the appointments of John Ashcroft and Justice Scalia. Any further consideration of the Democrats as an alternative to the Republicans is illogical.

John Kerry's candidacy has strengthened Bush administrations policies with respect to the war on terror. John Kerry and the neoliberals have encouraged the Bush administration's current slaughter of the people in Fallujah. I just can't wait until Terry McAuliffe is replaced by another right-wing corporate Democrat like Howard Brush Dean, III, M.D. who threw out 100 years of corporate legislation in Vermont and made that state almost as "corporate friendly" as Delaware -- the paragon of Corporatism.

Many Democrats seem to forget that Howard Brush Dean, III, M.D., another Yale graduate and member of the American aristocracy, agrees with John Kerry that we must not repeal job killing NAFTA, and that the Constitution killing Patriot Act only need some minor revisions. Like Kerry he agrees that we must maintain an army of occupation in Iraq, continue the bombing of Afghanistan and continue US support the Zionist government in his relatives performing ethnic cleansing by the Palestinians.

The Democrats will never learn. Look for the "lesser evils" argument again in 2008!

John A. Murphy: SPOILER

"What I want to do is to change the dynamics on the ground. And you have to do that by beginning to not back off Fallujas and other places and send the wrong message to the terrorists. I'm not talking about leaving. I'm talking about winning." -John F'n Kerry ________

"It's encouraging that the president has chosen someone less polarizing"

-Senator Charles Schumer of New York

Democrats ready to confirm defender of torture as new US attorney general By Joseph Kay 12 November 2004


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