> As Angela M used to say, it's all about drawing lines, and how important
> or interesting is that, really?
> ...We think that an important ideological result of the Congress is that
> there is now a clearer and more definite line of demarcation between the
> Right wing and the Left wing in Social-Democracy. There is a Right and
> a Left wing in all tile Social-Democratic parties in Europe; and their
> existence in our Party has been evident for a long time. A more distinct
> line of demarcation between the two, a clearer definition of the points
> of disagreement, is essential for the healthy development of the Party,
> for the political education of the proletariat, and for the checking of
> every inclination of the Social-Democratic Party to stray too far from
> the right path.
From: Hari Kumar
To: marxist-leninist-list at egroups.com
Subject: [M-L L] Re: Stalin Destroyer of Bolshevism? Enough!
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 4:39 PM
> ...Should Kumar be thrown off?
I submit that until the lines of demarcation ARE INDEED drawn and agreed
by the vast bulk of the movement, and a new party structure drawn up by
both national and internaionally - then it is useless- nay anti-ML-ist
to impose such diktats by coterie.
I would argue that it is counter-productive -
i) In the short term because it loosens the debate aimed at making lines
of demarcation;
ii) It potentially loses some "future comrades" out there. I definitely
do not mean Owen necessarily. I mean people who are out there and who -
since the FINAL STATE collapse of the former Soviet Union (Of course
many List comrades know full well that Alliance argues that after the
death of Stalin it was a revisionist state) have in fact no "home" to go
to and who re in fact searching for one. There have been several notes
to the list itself where comrades have explicitly virtually pointed that
Personally I endorse that view that was put recently to the list.
With Fraternal Regards to the List comrades,
Hari Kumar
Michael Pugliese