nursing hangover and typing at the list and other correspondents and i'm noticing the strangest thing. i'm naturally using a more diverse vocabulary, words like desultory, cavil, etc. are flowing with a naturalness that i've had to suppress in corporate world. i'm NOT saying it's superior to write using these words. i'm just noting a kind of psychological liberation--a kind of clarity to my thoughts--that has been squashed and I hadn't even known it.
or, it's just the cheap wine i drank last night. heh.
ps. sorry to flagrantly overpost abusing the list
pps. ravi -- no intention of starting flame war. just misunderstood you and was, actually, hoping i was giving you a platform to expand thoughts on the topic! i think it'd be way cool to have debate about this b/c one of the thing i _am_ interested in is how alternative economic practices might be an important adjunct to political practice. y'need both; not either/or. this became really clear to me reading Marx on the Paris Commune.
"We live under the Confederacy. We're a podunk bunch of swaggering pious hicks."
--Bruce Sterling