[lbo-talk] Re: Zapatista - looks like the last part of it.

Brad DeLong jbdelong
Sat Jul 2 18:48:29 PDT 2005

>I approved it already! I let things like this through, because
>they're important documents of broad interest.
>I hate to ask this, since it feels like sacrilege to me (I'm not
>being ironic with that, either, and these are really meant as
>questions), but does this statment amount to anything more than
>pretty words? I was really excited when the Zaps burst onto the
>scene. But almost a dozen years later, how much difference have they
>made? Is the model of a loosely organized group, very geographically
>and ethnically based, that doesn't aim to take state power, really
>as promising as it once seemed?

Well, if you are an interest-group liberal, it is very promising indeed.


-- J. Bradford DeLong Department of Economics, U.C. Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 http://www.j-bradford-delong.net/ delong at econ.berkeley.edu

"I do not understand how universal bankruptcy can do any good or bring us nearer to prosperity."

--John Maynard Keynes

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