Ahem, Snitchens on Galloway in the latest Weekly Standard,
Unmitigated Galloway
>From the May 30, 2005 issue: Saddam's favorite MP goes to Washington.
by Christopher Hitchens
05/20/2005 10:00:00 PM
And, Chuck, whatever the ex-friend(?), Kevin Keating, your friend, and someone I enjoyed seeing ripping into alot of the most brain dead SF old Trots once on a meeting on the piquateros, and 99% of the list thinks of Stephen Schwartz, whether when he was a communist or neo-con, how productive is this, http://www.infoshop.org/graphics/SSgs_poster.jpg
via a recent Justin Raimondo embedded URL link in his first column on
the Uzbeks and the USG?
Our Uzbek Problem
>From the May 30, 2005 issue: The character of the Karimov regime can
no longer be ignored in deference to the strategic usefulness of
by Stephen Schwartz and William Kristol
05/20/2005 4:50:00 PM
Michael Pugliese