[lbo-talk] Chomsky interviewed by Ali G - wow

Andy F andy274 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 10:45:45 PDT 2006

On 4/20/06, Jordan Hayes <jmhayes at j-o-r-d-a-n.com> wrote:

> Doesn't everyone who goes on The Colbert Report know that too? I saw
> Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU on the other night [
> http://tinyurl.com/rwnjt ], and he was passionately trying to make
> points against Colbert's silly imitation of O'Reilly almost as though he
> believed that Colbert was serious. When Romero brought up 'checks and
> balances' and Colbert said "The President has that all covered for now"
> Romero nearly jumped out of his seat to retort.

Yeah, I was wondering if they give them any heads up on that, like "Send us somebody you'd put in front of O'Reilly, because that's what we're going to do." Colbert was in fine form channelling the "have you stopped beating your wife" spirit of Fox. I almost felt sorry for the ACLU guy. There's something messed up with that.

-- Andy

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