> Incidentally, Matt writes, "Usually though the Bosses are writing the
> job descriptions." This is misleading. Matt's "boss" was _not_ one of
> "The Bosses" (he only capitalized Bosses, but The should be capitalized
> also). "The Bosses" is popular shorthand (or sometimes euphemism) for
> Capitalist Class or even Capitalism. But the Capitalist Class didn't
> write those job specs; a working supervisor, i.e., a member of the
> working class, wrote them.
It is now clear to me that my muddied use of capitalization was a failed attempt to make a distinction that wasn't appropriate, given B's addition that she wasn't claiming the poorly written job descriptions were done intentionally.
-- PGP RSA Key ID: 0x1F6A4471 aim: beyondzero123 PGP DH/DSS Key ID: 0xAFF35DF2 yahoo msg: beyondzero123 http://blogdayafternoon.com
My top-level question about Sept. 11 is, do we really want to live in a world in which U.S. intelligence can detect every half-million-dollar, 20-person, two-year activity?
-Whitfield Diffie