>Doug Henwood wrote:
>> [media pundits are likening this to the moment when Walter Cronkite
>> turned against the Vietnam War, which helped turn public opinion
>> against it - Bob & Doug are the ABC News anchor & technician wounded
>> by a bomb the other day]
>Please note the number of media pundits and other who are predicting
>that regardless of what happens in Iraq the U.S. will not give up its
>military bases there. To eliminate those bases we will need a worldwide
>mass campaign of considerably greater magnitude than we ever achieved in
>the '60s. We might be able to defeat the DP incumbent in 2112 on the
>basis of his/her failure to close the bases; how much difference that
>will make I do not know, and by 2116 I figure to be gone.
I don't remember, but were there a bunch of cranky old fucks in the early 1970s who said the US would never withdraw from Vietnam?