[lbo-talk] Hizbollah rockets put Israel's Arabs under fire

ravi gadfly at exitleft.org
Mon Jul 24 13:52:38 PDT 2006

At around 24/7/06 4:13 pm, Doug Henwood wrote:
> On Jul 24, 2006, at 2:17 PM, ravi wrote:
>> This stuff about Israeli Arabs being harmed by Hezbollah rockets seems
>> at best a fruitless diversion. This is not to whitewash Hezbollah as
>> entirely legitimate freedom-fighters. Rather, attempts to examine the
>> details of Hezbollah action is a distraction from the real atrocities
>> committed and being committed by Israel.
> I'm not sure your second sentence follows from the first; it does look
> like a bit of a whitewash. There's no question that Israel is doing far
> more damage, human and infrastructural. Almost all of the stuff I've
> posted to this list has been critical of Israel, and there's not much
> danger of a Fox-ish "balance" taking hold. But what I wrote was
> specifically in response to "We're all Hezbollah now," which strikes me
> as an ugly, false, and alienating slogan.

I have no comments to offer on the "We are all Hezbollah" matter. And of course I am not questioning your attitude on the Israel-Hezbollah affair. What I mean is:

I am criticizing the story on how Israeli Arabs are being harmed by Hezbollah rockets and the motives behind the reporting of the story (the Fox analogy is to the attitude of the author of the story, not to yours). I am criticizing it not because I think Hezbollah does not harm Arabs in any way, but because irrespective of what Hezbollah does, to bring that to the discussion (in the media) serves as a distraction.


Yes, the Hizbollah are lobbing stuff in retaliation, indiscriminately. Israeli Arabs are getting killed as a result. If Hezbollah says they target only military they are clearly wrong, empirically speaking. Does all of this matter, at this juncture? I claim: no, not much. Israel is murdering civilians in the 100s in Lebanon. Looking at the side effects of Hezbollah's weak retaliation is akin to looking at the effects of Palestinian boys throwing rocks.


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