On Jun 17, 2006, at 4:13 PM, Dennis Perrin wrote:
> I see blogging, when it's good and interesting, as something we at
> the old FAIR used to preach about news consumers becoming critics
> and analysts. And it's that angle that has the MSM so spooked and
> defensive. Finally, their critics can have an instant, global
> audience, and their bullshit, lies and propaganda can be taken
> apart, usually in the same news day. Admittedly, the majority of
> bloggers do nothing of the kind and essentially jerk off in their
> respective spaces, but that's just the way it is. There are those
> of us who try to go a bit deeper than just reacting to headlines
> and offering party spin. (And yes, I have travelled and reported on
> things I don't find in the papers, mostly person-to-person stuff,
> but I know what Doug's getting at and in general agree.)
Dennis, you're in the top 1% of bloggers ranked by wit and intelligence. It's not you I'm talking about.