Spooks (Was Re: [lbo-talk] Alex Cockburn going the Hitchens way?)

Michael J. Smith mjs at smithbowen.net
Mon Jun 19 20:08:03 PDT 2006

On Monday 19 June 2006 22:58, andie nachgeborenen wrote:
> I grew up with a lot of spooks -- the parents of many
> of my my friends in HS.... Most of
> the spooks were not psychos or even Mission Impossible
> types.

I think times may have changed. This sounds like an accurate description of our fathers' CIA, but it's a somewhat different ballgame now.

> The real point... is the problem is a bad system,
> not bad people. It's a system that takes nice
> patriotic, interesting, sane people ...and turns them
> into killers or people
> complicit with killers who can't sleep right ever
> after.

Indeed. Amen to that.

-- --Michael J. Smith --mjs at smithbowen.net


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