Most cops get a lot less training than you would like them to have, and spend a lot less time at the range practicing than you would expect. OTOH, most carry-permit holders spend quite a bit more time getting trained than the cops, and spend orders of magnitude more time at the range practicing.
The carry permit holders who routinely carry a weapon for self-defense yet who don't get training and routinely practice are most likely a figment of imagination; certainly an imaginary entity as representative of any significant number of carry permit holders.
Most carry permit holders take being armed very seriously because it is a lot of fucking responsibility!
Ask your cop friends how many rounds they fire at the range each week. What, they don't go each week? Then month? What, not even monthly? You would be shocked how few rounds they fire each *year*.
Most carry permit holders I know shoot a thousand or more rounds at the range each month.
However no number of facts are going to change you or anyone else's emotional, gutteral reaction to the thought that someone near you might be armed and you don't know it.
Emotions are high after events like this so it probably isn't the best time to engage in such a discussion.
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Puritanism: the haunting fear that somebody, somewhere, might be having a good time.
-H.L. Mencken