A key New York Times correction: "An article yesterday about competition for Jewish support between Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama incorrectly described Mr. Obama's views about the culpability for stalled peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis. Mr. Obama blames Hamas, which controls much of the Palestinian government, for the stalled peace talks; he does not blame Israel." LINK
In a story looking at the ways in which Sen. Obama "crossed a cultural divide" as a child in Indonesia, the Los Angeles Times' Paul Watson writes: "At the local primary school, he prayed in thanks to a Catholic saint. In the neighborhood mosque, he bowed to Allah." LINK
As Sen. Obama's campaign has already pointed out, he is not and has never been a Muslim — not that there's anything wrong with it. In their hard-hitting press release critiquing the Times' story, the campaign proves once again that they are positively Bushian in their willingness to hammer the Old and New Media when they believe they have the facts on their side.