>If a proletarian democracy were found to be essential/necessary by the workers
That seems to be the current situation, right? There is democracy, and the proletariat is the overwhelming majority, so I guess we must have a proletarian democracy already.
>then other classes would still exist and so would the State i.e.
>the communist reconstruction of society would have to be delayed until other
>classes "withered away".
Other classes aren't ever going to wither away while the working class is prepared to stay slaves. But the very day the working class ceases to obey orders then the ruling class will instantly and completely cease to exist. There will be no chance for it to peacefully "wither away".
>I didn't intend to "blow" Angelus off with whatever slogan you think I was
>using. But then, I suppose you think, you're just blowing me off as an empty
Even if you are something of a sloganeer Mike, who says that's a bad thing? Depends on the slogan and whether its empty depends on the content.
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas