And in case that is getting forgotten, here is the relevant parts, including Andie's characterisation of Yoshie's alternative:
>> So, I take, Yoshie, that your answer is that instead
>> of imposing bourgeois wealth and liberties on the
>> unwilling masses in typical imperialist fashion, we
>> can let the clerics impose Sharia law, stuff the women
>> into chadors, authorize honor killings of raped women
>> who disgrace their male relatives, beat clean-shaven
>> men, hang the queers and stone the adulterers, and
>> build a bomb.
> The Right have an "Islamofascism Awareness_ Week_," a modest endeavor
> in comparison to tedious repetition of leftists who say much the same
> thing as the Right week after week, month after month, year after
> year. . . . If you posted what you wrote to or
>, it wouldn't be out of place there -- far
> from it, it would no doubt receive many cheers from right-wingers who
> have too much time on their hands.
The way Andie posts his semi-query is quite similar to the way the right does:
So, your alternative is that our troops get killed?
So, your alternative is that we have cadillac driving
welfare queens?
So, your alternative is another 9/11 with 3000 more dead?
I think Andie was being sarcastic (I do not say that because I possess similar psychic powers as the many personality analysts on the list, but because I have a great deal of respect for him, and I cannot imagine most folks on this list accusing another listmember of actually being in favour of the stuff Andie lists out -- but perhaps I have missed some posts?). Perhaps not a big deal... I say a lot of sarcastic stuff too (like the above reference to "personality analysts"), and I get the inevitable crap thrown back... I thought that's the preferred methodology?