rayrena wrote:
> A thought-experiment: If proper names in the conversations
> about this war were changed, would people on this list be so
> sure in their moral clarity? That is, if one substituted the
> name Bush for Putin and United States for Russia, would
> people be so keen to plea for someone to stop the assault?
> Or would those actions be called "humanitarian imperialism"
> or some such?
Eric condemns Rosa Luxemburg for lacking moral clarity when she focused her opposition to the German involvement in the war without recognizing how evil the British and the French wer. Eric probalby also thinks Debs was morally reprobate for his single-minded opposition to U.S. entering the war.
Moral Clarity? Who cares. U.S. leftists have a _political_ duty to sork like hell to keep u.s. troops, u.s. advisors, u.s. arms at home.