So far unlike Jeanne Kilpatrick (sp?) she has managed not to write any books about testosterone poisoning , a fact which for me would require nearly superhuman intestinal fortitude.
Other than that my standards are low, about the level of that bumper sticker that says "We need a President who is literate in at least one language." Condi is literate in at least two. That unfortunatley does not make up for her boss, but....
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Dwayne Monroe <dwayne.monroe at>wrote:
> Dorene:
> Condi's talents would be wasted as Veep. Unless she herself wants to
> run for Prez, no way should she mess around as Veep. No opinion about
> some of the other also-rans. I definitely do not look for McC to take
> on the race issues that would come with naming Condi anyway.
> [...]
> .....
> I'm not sure what you mean by "talents".
> In a better world, Condi, along with the rest of her associates, would
> be imprisoned on Callisto and force-fed hallucinogens which made them
> re-live the last, agonizing moments of an Iraqi or Afghan as they
> died.
> Do you mean her 'talent' for killing?
> .d.
> ___________________________________