[lbo-talk] Doug's Vote

Julio Huato juliohuato at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 14:22:00 PST 2008

Doug wrote:

> I also have to say standing in
> a long line in Clinton Hill
> really brought home to me what
> the possibility of having a
> black pres means to black
> Americans. I know many of them
> will be disappointed - and I
> also suspect many of them know
> pretty well what's likely to
> happen. (And it will freak the
> hell out of a lot of white
> racists.) Who am I, white boy
> leftist, to dismiss all that?

Nothing wrong with being white, boy, or leftist. And glad to know that Brooklyn had that effect on you. :) B is right though -- it's Brooklyn and 99% of the world.

Let's not fear political disappointments. Like in love matters, it's all a learning process. What's a heart for if not for getting it broken? How does one's heart learn to receive and give love otherwise?

The job of leftists is to help people in their political learning -- for most people a process much more experiential than academic.

And let's have this ready for Obama:


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