"Just to make sure the obvious is acknowledged. Cops, despite generally having authoritarian personalities, are individuals who behave and will react to different people in different situations. Often times cops are perfectly nice people, depending on the situation."
Now aside from the problems of maybe making some overly generalized assertions about cop's personalities, your criticism of my statements in the last paragraph were already accounted for to a certain degree in the first paragraph quoted above.
But instead of really trying to get a handle on my position, or trying to do a charitable reading of what I was trying to say, you thought it would be fun to belittle my statements, calling them funny, stupid or foolish. Great. I hope you feel much better. Big snarky smart guy on the LBO list that Jordan Hayes.
On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Jordan Hayes<jmhayes at j-o-r-d-a-n.com> wrote:
> Left-Wing Wacko writes:
>> It seems Jordan wants to defend the idea that police are
>> sometimes justified in the abuse of their power.
> Er, no. It's called Reading For Comprehension, and you should try it
> sometime. That statement no more defines my position than "Sheldon
> sometimes has fantasies of punching children" does of yours.
>> But either he's to cowardly to come out and say it, or it just
>> makes him feel good to take issue with some of my statements
>> and call me stupid and foolish.
> I just love that you're not satisfied with what I actually wrote so you
> project some other (absurd) idea on me, and then get all huffy when I call
> you a Strawman. It really shouldn't be that difficult for you to
> read-well-before-writing; you wouldn't come to the above conclusion
> otherwise.
> # "When you find yourself in a hole: stop digging!"
>> Now if the insults and misrepresentations have ended then I have
>> nothing more to say about this.
> That's usually the thing that someone says as they drop a big turd on the
> ground: now if we're done shitting on the floor, we can stop.
> Ha-ha, you're a funny guy.
> /jordan
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