You, yourself, also said "losing its tech edge". talk like that = thomas friendman et al meme of: omigod omigod omigod, we're no longer going to be number one. we need money. we need schools! we need to DO SOMTHING now now now before the rest the hordes move in and take all our stuff!
Maybe you had in mind a different article?
Here's what the article said about the report that the freakin rewritten press release (i.e., vapid blurb) is hawking:
The study lists a number of factors that have clouded Silicon Valley's future.
Stricter immigration rules in the wake of 9/11 and rapid economic growth in China and India have made Silicon Valley less attractive to foreign talent, particularly to fill science and engineering positions. Talent still flows from China and India and investment and collaboration between the Valley and the two countries are rising, but the growing economic power of the two nations is expected to eventually slow the flow of talent to the Valley.
Venture capital, a major source of funding for much of the innovation in the Valley in the past, is shifting away from software and semiconductors and into biotechnology, energy, medical devices, and media. In addition, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have not been attracting significant shares of federal funding for some time.
At 08:15 AM 2/19/2010, Fernando Cassia wrote:
>The (U.S.) brains don´t leave, they don´t have the jobs for the skills
>they have, so they have to do something else. Sun Microsystems has long
>moved plenty of Java and Linux/Unix jobs to its R+D centers in Asia, for
>that matter, more specifically, Sun´s Beijing offices.
>"sun+beijing+team"&aq=f&aqi=&oq= FC On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:01 AM, shag
>carpet bomb <shag at>wrote: > > > > At 07:45 AM 2/19/2010,
>Fernando Cassia wrote: > >> Itôs not that software engineers and
>engineers in general are "more >> capable" than U.S. ones, they are FAR
>CHEAPER than U.S. ones. The rest >> doesnôt matter. They say "for the
>price of one U.S: engineer, I can have >> four engineers in (India, China,
>Argentina, for that matter). If the things >> those overseas engineers
>suck, or need 4x more people, they add more cheap >> engineers. People
>with MBAs havenôt read >>
> FC >> > > > it's still
>the same meme. the fig leaf is always the fear of a brain drain. > it
>covers up the facts on the ground: cheaper labor. > > >
> > Wear Clean Draws > ('coz there's 5 million ways to
>kill a CEO) > > ___________________________________ >
> > -- Dream of the
>Daily Mail It is the Holy Grail And then the BBC Your life would be
>complete -Manic Street Preachers, "Royal Correspondent"
-- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)