Such as?
> <>
It's an article about drones. Are you really fixated on drones? What about the rest of the innocents killed by US actions in foreign lands - and the US troops killed in those misadventures too.
> In 2002, the drones were mostly used to monitor ground activity. Attacks
> began apparently in June 2004. Through January 2006, the drone attacks "were
> relatively 'clean' in regards to unintentional civilian deaths...."
> <>
> "US forces struck just twice in 2006, three times in 2007 and seven times in
> the first eight months of 2008...."
So the metric is innocents killed by drones, not innocents killed by US Forces. Or US Forces killed because they were in the wrong place on either 43's or 44's say-so.
Gee Doug, I thought you were better than that.