> The prison system has the same corrupting influence on U.S. life that the
> Vietnam War and Jim Crow had. You simply cannot seriously oppose capitalism
> without calling for the elimination of U.S. prisons.
Well said. But the general list response to your original observation, it seemed, turned on the conventional-wisdom notion that it would be a deeply *unpopular* demand.
Perhaps I read you wrong, but you seemed to think otherwise. I would like to think otherwise too. So I'd like to hear more. This isn't some despicable devious Socratic game on my part; it's quite sincere.
-- --
Michael J. Smith mjs at smithbowen.net
http://stopmebeforeivoteagain.org http://www.cars-suck.org http://fakesprogress.blogspot.com
Any proposition that seems self-evident is almost certainly false.