Again around 272 radios shows - on both stations and podcasts. Most extensive list I've seen, but still only a fraction of what is out there. "Progressive" is very broadly defined - left, liberal, pwog, and for that matter liberatraran or convervative that is open to presenting left or liberal viewpoints on occasion without shouting them down. I devoted more effort to excluding drive-time fart joke shows than to excluding the completely insane, so I'm sure some plain old weird slipped through. In short, though there are some great shows on the list, I don't guarantee the quality of each and every entry. Gary Null is missing, and not by accident. Hopefully Raghu will let us know when he has put this on his Wiki, because there is no way one person will every have time to upgrade this to anything like a full list with thousands rather than hundreds of entries. But with crowdsourcing, if people are interested, it might grow into a much bigger list than it currently is. -- Facebook: Gar Lipow Twitter: GarLipow Solving the Climate Crisis web page: Grist Blog: Online technical reference: