> In the case of both LBO-Talk and Marxmail, the fact that both lists have
> managed to survive for as long as they have has been due to the work of
> their respective moderators who have striven to keep discussions focused
> and to the point.
Thank you. List quality swooned because I stopped paying so much attention last year - though that was in part because of serial annoyances by people I didn't feel like booting or moderating. I am paying more attention now, and I think that's helped.
Because CB posted on Chris Burford's death, I was looking through the archives for Chris Burford's last posts which seem to be from 2003 or so and the invasion of Iraq. That lead to re-going over Carl Remick and another few threads. Ops, here is Jordan, ``Actually he stopped posting here in June 2003.''
My theory is not so much Doug's loss of interest as the times themselves---which in some circular fashion might amount to the same thing.