On 5/30/18 8:02 AM, Doug Henwood wrote:
> haha this list is almost dead, except for a couple of posts featuring Andrew Kliman!
A blast from the archives, nearly 20 years ago. Hindsight, eh?
Subject: negatives From: Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com Date: Wed Nov 10 06:37:30 PST 1999
Just when you're about to despair at the state of American politics, some cheering news. From today's New York Times:
>The nation's political wild card, the Reform Party, has a strongly
>negative image. Fifty-three percent have an unfavorable view, 26
>percent a favorable opinion, and 21 percent no opinion.
>Nor are its potential presidential candidates highly regarded.
>Patrick J. Buchanan draws 6 percent of the vote if matched against
>Bush and either Gore or Bradley. In both matchups, Buchanan takes
>votes mainly from Bush and narrows Bush's lead over the Democrat.
>Buchanan is viewed unfavorably by 54 percent of the voters, and
>favorably by 10 percent.
>But that is not nearly as negative as the view held about Donald J.
>Trump, the New York real estate magnate who has just joined the
>Reform Party and says he will seek its nomination if he believes he
>can win the presidency. Just 7 percent of Americans have a favorable
>view and 70 percent an unfavorable opinion. That is the highest
>unfavorable view ever recorded by a Times/CBS News Poll.